On Friday 9th March Bloomsbury Education and Inclusion Expert launched Daniel Sobel’s new book Narrowing the Attainment Gap: A Handbook for Schools at the House of Commons. Heads of multi-academy trusts, local authorities and federations from across the country joined together to celebrate the publication of the book and to hear about the lessons Daniel has learned from working with 1,000 schools and the implications for regional development.
The event was also an opportunity for Inclusion Expert to issue special awards to headteachers who have made rapid and sustainable progress in their schools in the face of significant challenges.
The awards were issued to:
Louise Lomax – Headteacher, Mepal and Witcham Church of England Primary School, Mepal, Ely (nominated by Sarah Conant, COO Diocese of Ely)
I became a Headteacher of a small village Primary School two years ago and I have worked with Inclusion Expert throughout this time. They have supported me in providing good provision in my Early Years, which has led to children getting the correct support right from the start. Discussions around pupil premium and SEND have been invaluable in moving the school forward. Recently I worked with Inclusion Expert on coaching and this has been key to moving the quality of teaching on in my school. The school was graded Good at the last Ofsted in November 2017 and for the school to be recognised for the hard work that had gone into achieving this by Daniel and DEMAT was much appreciated. I found the day inspiring and I came back to school eager to continue to make a big difference.
Dan Doud – Head of School, William de Yaxley Church of England Academy, Yaxley, Peterborough (nominated by Sarah Conant, COO Diocese of Ely)
I have been teaching for 18 years, working at William de Yaxley for 6, started as Deputy Head then promoted to Head of School in the last 2years.
The day at The House of Commons was fabulous opportunity to meet and talk to teachers and school leaders who have worked in challenging situations and how they were able to overcome them. It was an honour to be part of the launch for Daniel’s book and to be nominated and recognised for the work we have undertaken at William de Yaxley.
Emma Haddow – Vice Principal, Belfairs Academy, Leigh-on-Sea (nominated by Bev Williams, CEO Legra Academy Trust)
Vicky Sammon – Headteacher, Bridlewood Primary School, Swindon (nominated by Sonja Joseph, Virtual Head Swindon)
I arrived at Bridlewood Primary School from a successful 7 year headship in Oxfordshire, to face a difficult Ofsted inspection in the summer of 2017. Systems’ changes had already begun to take effect at the school but it was too soon to see any real impact on outcomes, so when the opportunity to work with Inclusion Expert was offered by the Swindon Virtual School, I was only too pleased to attend the briefing session. Everything that was presented by Daniel Sobel ‘made sense’ regardless of the school context. The reviews of pupil premium, SEN and TA provision have provided a platform for action planning; the resources gave us the tools to support improved impact data and most importantly QFT and differentiation in the classroom and the consultancy and advice has been supportive, bespoke and relevant. Our Ofsted inspection in January removed us from special measures at the first attempt and also judged leadership as ‘good’! We have been fully engaged in the programme and Inclusion Expert have provided us with invaluable support over this period so I was delighted to receive the award for our ‘outstanding progress’ in the wonderful surroundings at the House of Commons. I really hope that Daniel’s book ‘Narrowing the Attainment Gap’, supports and inspires other school leaders to make a real difference to our vulnerable pupils and I will continue to build on our progress as we enter our next phase of improvements.