The EYFS National Research Initiative was launched at an exclusive event at the Houses of Parliament on 6 September and was attended by LA leaders across the country. The Initiative aims to include as many schools and settings from across England to make this the largest EYFS research drive ever. The impact of the training will be carefully measured, and results will be published for national circulation and ultimately be used to influence policy.
As well as a networking opportunity, the event was based around the three talks by the authors of this award-winning online training: Dr Sue Allingham, a leading Early Years expert and researcher; Daniel Sobel, CEO of Inclusion Expert; and Isabel Davis, Executive Head Teacher of Bedford Nursery Schools and Peter Pan Teaching School Alliance.
We also demonstrated a video showing exactly how the training content works on the simple structure of Watch, Read, Do, Review. The eight modules comprise several bitesize videos to watch; useful guidance and advice to read; and manageable tasks to do in the classroom setting. A LA or TSA can log in at any time to see which modules each setting or individual has completed, how the training was applied and what the impact was on both teachers and their students.
It is not too late to get involved. The cut off for sign up to the Initiative is 1 October with schools/settings logged on by 1 November.
Click here to find out more about this ground-breaking Initiative.
Contact us at or on 0333 301 0565 to find out how your school or setting can get involved.