Reduce exclusions, promote social inclusion and prioritise meaningful accountability over punitive control

How does Inclusive Leadership Training work?

Inclusive Leadership Training helps participants to understand what effective and ineffective leadership is and how this applies to their setting. They learn to actively use an effective language and style of leadership whilst regularly reflecting on their own practice as a leader and the impact they have on staff and the school.

We support SLT to grow as leaders and nurture the school on a journey of excellence.

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Why choose Inclusion Expert for Inclusive Leadership Training?

This training reduces exclusions and promotes social inclusion, and prioritises meaningful accountability over punitive control. Good leaders improve attitudes and relationships between staff, pupils and families throughout the school and wider community.

The training process

This training is comprised of two key programmes:

Other ways we can help:

Narrowing the Attainment Gap

Narrowing the Attainment Gap is designed to support school leaders in understanding and reducing the attainment gap in the context of their setting. Drawing on research and his own extensive experience in leading a team that has worked with over 1,000 schools, Daniel Sobel examines the real issues behind the attainment gap and the barriers schools face when trying to narrow it.

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Narrowing the Attainment Gap

SEN Review

Work with an Inclusion Expert to maximise your SEN budget and demonstrate the impact of your work.

Our consultancy will ensure you are compliant with the SEND Code of Practice 0-25, are maximising your SEN assessment, provision and budget and that you can demonstrate the impact of your work. By the end of the day we will have co-authored an implementation plan setting a clear path to your next Ofsted level.

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