National Research Initiative

A successful formula for real, measurable change in staff performance and children’s progress.

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Inclusion Expert

Welcome to the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) National Research Initiative

The Initiative will include many schools and settings from across England. The impact of the training will be carefully measured, and results will be published for national circulation.

This award-winning training was developed through a collaboration between Dr Sue Allingham, a recognised Early Years expert and researcher; Daniel Sobel, CEO of Inclusion Expert; and Isabel Davis, Executive Head Teacher of Bedford Nursery Schools and Peter Pan Teaching School Alliance.

Teach Early Years Award

What is EYFS: Watch, Read, Do, Review?

It is a quality first online training programme for teachers. The programme is based on a flexible modular learning experience – Watch, Read, Do, Review (WRDR) – and can be used to suit the needs of each school or setting. Modules can be completed in any order, and at the pace of the team.

This always includes:

  • A five-minute video presentation on principles, content, and learning expectations
  • A best practice activity, featuring real examples in real settings
  • A joint review with the Project Lead to evaluate the impact on practice and decide which modules will be useful to further embed best practice.
Find out more

How does it work?

Our intelligent CPD training platform has been developed to incorporate line management at it’s core.

Each staff member selects a minimum of two children to measure the impact of their online training. They will accurately identify their children’s needs and meet those needs with personalised learning and differentiation.

Thirty-four 5-minute
training videos on
specific skills

Read excerpts from
OFSTED statutory
frameworks and other
expert guidance

Practise the
skill with
two children

Guidance for the line
manager to review
the impact of what
has been learnt

What is the impact in schools?

“Nine schools took part in our project and shared their inspiring stories of how they further improved practice and provision in the EYFS and consequently raised outcomes, not only for FSM pupils but for all.”

EYFS Profile data 2017 2018
GLD – all pupils 65.6% 72.5%
GLD – FSM pupils 32.7% 75.8%
FSM/non-FSM Gap -35.0 5.7
%FSM in bottom 20% 59.9% 7.2%

Data shared (based on EYFSP data from the 9 schools involved in the project – 30 FSM children in total)

A few more things:

Professor Maggie Atkinson Review

Former Children’s Commissioner, Professor Maggie Atkinson wrote a personal recommendation for the EYFS Online Teacher Training.

About the authors:

Dr. Sue Allingham holds an MA and EdD in Early Childhood Education from the University of Sheffield and is one of the country’s leading voices in early years teaching and learning. She leads the EYFS training for Inclusion Expert for whom she has written a comprehensive package of professional development.

Sue is also a columnist and Consultant Editor for Early Years Educator – EYE- magazine, and a Trustee of Early Education. Her publications include a Practical Preschool book entitled ‘Transitions in the Early Years’ which is now in second edition, and a forthcoming book on ‘emotional literacy’.

Daniel Sobel MA Ed (Psychology) FCMI FCIC FRSA is the Founder and Lead Consultant of Inclusion Expert. An internationally respected leader in inclusive education, he has advised the Department for Education, the European Union and governments abroad. Daniel is a well-known speaker, and has written for publications including Headteacher Update, The Times Educational Supplement and The Guardian.

He is the author of several works, including The Pupil Premium Handbook and The SEN Code of Practice Pack. Narrowing the Attainment Gap was published by Bloomsbury Press in
January 2018 and Daniel’s new book Leading on Pastoral Care was released in January 2019, also published by Bloomsbury Press.

Isabel Davis BA (Hons) Social Policy, PGCE, NPQH, NLE is the Executive Head Teacher of the Bedford Nursery Schools and Peter Pan Teaching School Alliance, and the National Representative for Early Years on the Teaching School Council.

She is an inspirational and passionate leader who thrives to reach higher in everything she does.
She is always curious and intrinsically motivated to support change whilst improving outcomes. Isabel is a Director of ‘Schools of Tomorrow’ and through this she enjoys networking and joining people together for the benefit of everyone’s wellbeing.

How can we help you roll this out in your setting?

We have a list of events and workshops available to support the successful launch and implementation of this award-winning training in your region.

Join the EYFS National Research Initiative

Please fill in the form below to register your interest! A member of our team will call you to set up your account.

    “Over many years of working across a variety of Early Years settings, including schools, these are the fundamental points that I have found practitioners need to master before they move forward.”

    Dr. Sue Allingham