The Challenges That Pastoral Leaders Face Today
Pastoral leaders such as SENCOs, Heads of Year and Heads of Key Stage do a phenomenal job in our schools. They literally (and often single-handedly) are saving the lives of our children and creating an environment which can help them flourish. However there are a plethora of challenges that such pastoral leaders face, whilst dealing with a surprisingly short amount of books and training available to support them.
The amount – and variety – of challenges that pastoral leaders are faced with today include:
- Safeguarding
- Dealing with bullying
- Dealing with violence
- Mental health
- Challenging teachers
- Challenging parents
- Excessive paperwork
- Outside agencies
…and of course the list goes on and on!
To pull off the job role of a pastoral leader effectively, such a large and varied array of skills are needed – it is quite unbelievable. And the amount of stress which pastoral leaders face, without complaining – without even necessarily recognising their burden – is usually out of sync with the job.
What is the solution?
The Inclusion Expert methodology has always been led by the notion that we want to encourage schools to do the LEAST and, as a result, get the MOST for our students.
This means our approach needs to tick four key boxes. It needs to take:
- less time,
- less stress,
- less money,
- …and have even greater outcomes.
This can be done through shorter meetings, less paperwork and more positive relationships with parents. We know this is easier said than done so we have launched our pastoral leadership training that focusses on providing practical skills and strategies to help pastoral leaders prepare for supporting students with pastoral needs.
To find out about our pastoral training programmes running throughout the country – designed to gain much greater and more beneficial outcomes for our students, visit our Eventbrite page to find the next event running near you.
You may also like:
Daniel Sobel’s latest book: Leading on Pastoral Care: A Guide to Improving Outcomes for Every Student.
Our next Pastoral Leadership event: